Glamour On The Go (Dr. Natoshia Goodman DNP,RN)

Botox Between The Eyes

Botox Between The Eyes

Price: $108+Duration: 30 min
Botox Forehead

Botox Forehead

Price: $96+Duration: 45 min
Botox Lip Lines

Botox Lip Lines

Price: $96+Duration: 30 min
Botox Smiley Eyes
Around the eyes

Botox Smiley Eyes

Around the eyes

Price: $216+Duration: 30 min
Filler Cheeks

Filler Cheeks

Price: $600+Duration: 60 min
Filler Corner Of The Mouth Droop

Filler Corner Of The Mouth Droop

Price: $600+Duration: 60 min
Filler Lips

Filler Lips

Price: $600+Duration: 60 min
Filler Smile Lines
Skin folds on each side of the nose

Filler Smile Lines

Skin folds on each side of the nose

Price: $600Duration: 60 min